Business Consulting Services
JB Tax & Accounting Solutions of Paoli, PA provides cost-efficient business consulting services in Chester County, PA.
Selecting the right form of entity (sole proprietor, partnership, corporation, LLC, etc.) is a crucial decision that can have long lasting tax implications, positive or negative. We will assist you in evaluating the pros and cons of each entity type to help you determine the most advantageous form of business for your company. Once the entity is selected, we provide guidance in setting up your business with the IRS and the state.
Small businesses often lack the resources to have a full-time CFO or Financial Analyst on their staff. We can be your Finance Department acting as a sounding board for a fraction of the cost of an actual employee. We can assist you with properly analyzing your business trends, prepare annual cash flow budgets, prepare actual versus budget statements, while identifying areas negatively affecting profitability and growth. Our assistance continues with helping you determine appropriate solutions that are practical.